Bodybuilding's Most Powerful Products

Bodybuilding's Most Powerful Products
Effective Solutions Such As Anabolic Supplements and Legal Steroids

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Are The Best Legal Steroid Alternatives for Muscle Building ?

If you need to build more muscle mass, legal steroids might be the perfect fit for you. Read this article and learn more about these powerful supplements.

Dear  Fellow Athletes and Bodybuilders,

I wanted to discuss the topic of "Legal Steroids".

What exactly are they ?

What makes them different from illegal steroids?

Are  legal steroids safe, or do they have side effects?

Do legal steroids work?

Can I buy Legal Steroids At GNC ?

These awesome muscle building supplements are catching the attention of new weightlifters and bodybuilders everywhere. These products are safe, legal, and apparently very effective at building muscle and burning fat. On Youtube you can view legal steroid reviews and testimonials.

Let's start with the definition of "legal steroids". 

"Legal steroids" are any steroids that were legally obtained (through prescription) on the order of a
 physician for a legitimate medical purpose where evidence proves or suggests that the medication would be beneficial in treatment of the medical condition.

The second definition is this : "legal steroids is a term used within the bodybuilding community to define any product, chemical, combination or formula of ingredients that has anabolic / muscle building effects.

The products usually consist of alkyloids, precursors, altered prohormones, highly concentrated amount of known herbal/amino acid formulations and some are even molecularly modified versions or the original anabolic steroid.

Since these legal steroid supplements are usually non-fda approved in formula and use, they contain no illegal ingredients. There products are by far the best muscle building supplements.

Drug-Free Steroid Alternatives and The Law

For those of you unsure of the law and how this works let me give you a simple example. Testosterone Propionate and trenbolone are both schedule III controlled substances. That means owning or having in your posession either of these 2 compounds is the equivalent of having cocaine.

Same legal statute. However, both of those 2 chemicals can be purchased 100% legally in the form of cattle implants for farmers. It would require no documentation whatsoever and no veterinary prescription. As long as its in the form of that pellet (cattle implant), there is no crime.

Another example: when they first banned ephedrine hcl 25 mg tablets, they were allowed to legally sell 8mg tablets. The solution was simple, "eat more tablets to get your dose."

Through all my bodybuilding chat forum research here is what I concluded. The idea behind "best legal steroids" is basically to get products that work and avoid criminal prosecution.

The ingredients used are non-prescription dietary supplements HOWEVER the concentration or strength may be banned by some athletic comittees. Caffeine, ma huang (ephedra) and white willow bark (aspirin) are all legal, however combining them creates a banned product.

That formula is known to be the absolute best fat burning supplement on the planet. Although all involved products are legal, they are NOT APPROVED or permitted to be sold/ used in that formula or strength.

Chemists who design these products look at it another way. Let's take the color RED and we'll say red=(Illegal)=a tesosterone molecule. Now remove a few shades of red(maybe remove or relocate the carbon molecule) and all of a sudden it's pink.In summary they said RED was illegal they(fda) never mentioned pink was illegal.

It's no longer the same chemical. Hence no classification
exists for it.

The FDA's Stance on Performance Enhancing Supplements

The fda moves quickly on certain prohormone compounds. Rightfully so. Many are just outright unsafe. Youtube and google have a wealth of good information on the topic. Go to youtube and use the key words "legal steroids" and see for yourself what all the hype is about.

According to users, legal steroids are safe, side effects are only reported from using high doses, and they produce muscle building result just as well and in some cases even better than the illegal versions.

You'll find these legal steroids carry names like dianabol ,dbol, dekka, deccabolan, anadroll, tren, and winstroll. The names are the manufacturers way of expressing to consumers the results that are intended to produce. The biggest name in legal steroid business is Muscle Labs USA.

Every Chat forum, blog site and review site and even google searches always led me back to this company. I hope you found this reading helpful. The products should be for very serious athletes only.

Thanks friends.
-Cinco Demayo