Bodybuilding's Most Powerful Products

Bodybuilding's Most Powerful Products
Effective Solutions Such As Anabolic Supplements and Legal Steroids

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Legal Steroids For Sale Online - The Facts You Need To Know

Buying Supplements Online

There are tons of websites trying to scam you selling you basic vitamins. Millions of people have done it for years, not only involving supplements, but even banned prohormones that might not be safe.

Some reports are showing that at every minute of the day there`s someone who is buying different stuff on the internet. But here`s the challenging and the hard part, it is difficult to find a reliable and trusted steroid source that is really sending you illegal anabolics ordered and sent through the mail without getting caught.

Muscle Labs USA is very reputable and  has been in the business of legal steroids and steroid alternatives since 1999.

Steroids For Bulking

Dianabol has historically been referred to as the Godfather off all anabolic products. It was thought that no amount of any legal anabolic supplements would ever compare to a pro bodybuilder cycle of classic D-Bol. With that being said, the active ingredient methandrostenolone was methylated and therefore mildly toxic.

No professional bodybuilder could compete on stage without taking serious doses of some anabolic compounds. In fact, there are a few suppliers who sell steroid alternatives that definitely produce results.

The steroid alternatives market is making amazing advancements every year and Muscle Labs USA™ leads the way in cutting edge in anabolic supplements that are safe, legal and effective. DIANDROBOL™ by Muscle labs USA™ is safe, non-methylated DBol product guaranteed to deliver bulking and weight gain, with no harsh side effects. It is also 100% legal.

Are Legal Steroids Effective

DHEA, Androstene, Nor-androstene now the new boldenone precursor, I have to say… these legal steroids really do in fact work, and some more effective than others.  Finding the legit supplier is the hardest part.

When you combine them with the new developments in delivery mechanisms and make them more bio-available… wow! Not only are there scientific tests to back them up, they get TONS of customer feedback each month with hundreds of satisfied customers. The prohormone market has never been so good! The question is, how long will it last?

Legal-steroids, prohormones, prosteroids, and hormonal constituents are the newest trend in bodybuilding. If you can find a legitimate supplier, you'll be very please with the gains you achieve using these types of bodybuilding supplements.

Always follow certain rules when purchasing legal steroids. It's very important to be smart and take your time researching a legitimate supplier that will deliver on a timely basis. Note: About 95% of the so called " legit steroids suppliers online" are complete scammers.

This is a fact. We have heard the nightmare stories to many times. Be careful. Before you spend your hard earned money and attempt to buy legal steroids online, here are some essential tips.

Buy Legal Steroids In The USA 

Buying legal steroids from other countries has a few risks.
The product may be legal in their country, yet illegal in the USA.
There are a lot of steroid forums so do a search on google and look for, register with them and find what are advanced bodybuilders and steroid users are saying.

Try to post a thread and ask any experienced athlete, male or female bodybuilder about their source, they all are telling you the same thing: I can`t give you my source of steroids but yes, ordering legal anabolic steroids online from trusted and genuine sources is still safe!

They are not disclosing their supplier list source because they do not want their source getting busted. Even so, ordering illegal anabolic steroids from the internet has it's problems. The major problem is that they may be counterfeit and of course they are ILLEGAL !

Staying informed on who is a legit supplier and who is a scammer can be easy.  Don't be a fool and get scammed. Stick to the legal anabolic supplements and buy from a legit supplier.

Almost all internet scammers earn their money from people who don't know where to look for information about legit suppliers . So keep in mind; Don't get ripped off when you buy legal anabolic steroids online.

Make sure you are getting the real thing. Muscle Labs USA™ has nearly 2 decades in the game. Want to see positive feedback ? Go checkout their feedback and testimonials on youtube. Better yet, go to eBay, search for the product and look at the feedback.  

Are Legal Steroids Effective 

When used correctly, legal steroids can be huge for anyone interested in gaining muscle, from the 'newbie to the serious steroid using bodybuilder. You can pack on hard ripped muscle without using illegal steroids. Legal steroids are here to stay and most places even guarantee they produce results or you can get your money back.

Check out the newest bodybuilding supplements and other safe steroid alternatives for sale on the internet by visiting . Browse that website for even more information and some free literature regarding these amazing muscle building supplements and how they work.

Thanks For Reading !

How Reliable are the Ingredients in Legal Steroids ?

Legal Steroids - Are They Really The Drug-Free Anabolic Steroid Alternatives They Claim To Be ?

What enters your mind when you hear the words "steroids"? The majority of people instantly think of bulky bodybuilders, complete with extraordinarily wide lats, large round delts, and horseshoe triceps.

There's nothing wrong with picturing that, and in most cases, the association is right on. Bodybuilders, especially ones competing in the most popular organizations and on the higher national or professional levels DO use steroids to up their game.

Bodybuilding and Supplements

But what about bodybuilders competing in all-natural organizations, at drug-tested events? What about male fitness models who may not have the freakish proportions of a competitive bodybuilder, but are still plenty lean and muscular -- the latest Muscle and Fitness male cover model, for instance?

What do these guys do to get all that muscle and an 8-pack without the use of illegal steroids? What do they know that you need to know to get in the best shape of your life -- and stay there? What do THEY use?

In this article, we'll discuss the one product that's often the key tool in their arsenal. It's the one thing that's rarely mentioned, yet is used by the majority of higher level athletes.
The best part? It's completely legal and easy to obtain! Read on as we uncover more truths about this secret weapon.

Legal Steroids: Five Must Know Facts

1) Legal Steroids are used by the majority of male fitness models and high level natural bodybuilders. These are educated people who know exactly what their bodies need to push their genetics to the limit -- in a healthy, all natural manner.

The general, abstract way in which legal steroids work, is through natural manipulation of your OWN hormone production (mainly testosterone and human growth hormone).

2) Legal Steroids come in a variety of different compounds, just like their illegal counterparts.

The reason these are able to be sold legally, is because the formulation is slightly different. It's different enough to trigger all the muscle growth and fat loss an illegal steroid would prompt, but without any of the ill side effects.

Again, this is possible due to the fact that your very own hormones are the ones prompting all of your body's affects -- whereas with an illegal steroid, you would be administering hormones into your body.

3) The Legal Steroid  family of supplements is vastly different from millions of muscle building supplements on the market today in that it actually modifies your body's genetic propensity for hypertrophy through producing a substantial effect on your hormones.

No other product can genuinely make this claim. Everything you have tried to date has worked within your body's limits. Legal Steroids will essentially break through those limits by altering your body's very own natural hormone production.

4) As with illegal steroids, legal steroids may be stacked and cycled for optimum results. When done right, stacking and cycling will prompt just the right hormonal response at all the opportune times, resulting in not only optimal muscle gains at this moment, but also limitless gains and ever-evolving physique transformation without any plateaus!

When legal steroids are obtained from the right sources, all of the stacking and cycling information will be provided to you for ease of use.

5) At the moment, a lot of counterfeit legal steroids are being sold as the general public begins to slowly learn of the incredible changes that can be brought on through the use of these products. Due to this, your close attention to your source is extremely important.

For further information on dependable, 100% legitimate sources of legal steroids, please visit the link below the article.

Well, the secret's officially out. With the right tools, there are no limits as to what you can achieve. You've got the knowledge, now get to reaching your goals!

To visit the most reputable Legal Steroid companies, go to Muscle Labs USA To learn more about various kinds of legal steroids products.

Thanks For Reading !

Anabolic Steroids & The United States Military. Should They be allowed?

DoD labs test 60,000 urine samples each month. All active duty members must undergo a urinalysis at least once per year. Members of the Guard and Reserves must be tested at least once every two years.

There are several protections built-in to the system to ensure accurate results.
First, individuals initial the label on their own bottles. The bottles are boxed into batches, and the test administrator begins a chain-of-custody document for each batch.

This is a legal document Everybody who has had something to do with that sample signs it - whether it be the observer who watched the person collect the sample, the person who puts it into the box or the person who takes it out of the box. There is always a written record of who those individuals are.
The chain-of-custody requirement continues in the lab as well. People who come in contact with each sample and what exactly they do to the sample are written on the document.

After arrival at the lab, samples then undergo an initial immunoassay screening (using the Olympus AU-800 Automated Chemistry Analyzer). Those that test positive for the presence of drugs at this point undergo the same screen once again. Finally, those that come up positive during two screening tests are put through a much more specific gas chromatography/mass spectrometry test. This test can identify specific substances within the urine samples.

Even if a particular drug is detected, if the level is below a certain threshold, the test result is reported back to the commander as negative.
DoD labs are equipped to test for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, opiates (including morphine and heroin), barbiturates and PCP. But not all samples are tested for all of these drugs.
Every sample gets tested for marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines, including ecstasy. Tests for other drugs are done at random on different schedules for each lab. Some laboratories do test every sample for every drug.

Commanders can request samples be tested for steroids. In this case, the samples are sent to the Olympic testing laboratory at the University of California at Los Angeles.
Commonly available substances such as golden seal and lasix are often touted as magical substances that can mask drugs in urine. In fact, they can make it easier to get caught. These substances are diuretics, so if they're taken before giving a urine sample they flush chemicals out of the body - right into the collection cup. Drugs are often more concentrated in the urine after a service member takes one of these substances.

And other "sure-fire" solutions are even worse for you. Some people drink vinegar. There are stories of some people drinking bleach. None of these will defeat the urinalysis test.
Over- the-counter cold medications and dietary supplements might cause a screening test to come up positive, but that the more specific secondary testing would positively identify the medication. In this case, the report that goes back to the commander says negative.

How the results of drug tests can be used legally, depends upon the reason for the urinalysis test.
Random Testing. By regulation, each military member must be tested at least once per year. Reserve members must be tested at least once every two years. This is done by means of "random testing." Basically, a commander can order that either all or a random-selected sample of his/her unit be tested, at any time. Results of random testing can be used in court-martials (Under Article 1128a of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), article 15s (nonjudicial punishment), and involuntary discharges.

 This includes using the results to determine service characterization (honorable, general, or other-than-honorable). Members do not have the right to refuse random testing. However, commanders cannot order specific individuals to take a "random" test. Those selected must be truly "random."
Medical Testing. This is testing which is accomplished in compliance with any medical requirements. Urinalysis tests given to new recruits falls under this category. As with Random Testing, results can be used in court-martials, article 15s, and involuntary discharges, to include service characterization. Members do not have a right to refuse medical testing in the military.

Probable Cause. If a commander has probable cause that a person is under the influence of drugs, the commander can request a search authorization from the Installation Commander, who is authorized to issue "military search warrants" after consultation with the JAG. Again, results of urinalysis tests obtained through search authorizations can be used in court-martials, article 15s, and involuntary discharges, including service characterization. Members cannot refuse to provide a urine sample which has been authorized by a military search warrant.

Consent. If a commander does not have probable cause, the commander can ask the member for "consent to search." If the member grants consent, the results of the urinalysis may be used in court-martials, article 15s, and involuntary discharges to include service characterization. Under this procedure, members do not have to grant consent.

Commander Directed. If a member refuses to grant consent, and if the commander does not have enough evidence to warrant a probable-cause search warrant, the commander may order the member to give a urine sample anyway. However, commander-directed urinalysis results may not be used for court-martial or article 15 purposes. The results MAY be used as a reason for involuntary discharge, but MAY NOT be used to determine service characterization. In other words, the member can be discharged, but what kind of discharge he/she receives (honorable, general, other-than-honorable) depends upon his/her military record (WITHOUT using the urinalysis results).

"Legal Steroids" are a safer alternative to black market anabolic steroids. Fact is, the ingredients can be so complex that testing is not yet advanced enough to detect these unique products. Legal Steroidal products do not contain traditional ingredients that would be common enough to test for.

When being tested for anabolic steroids, they are testing you for an "exact" and specific chemical and Not just "steroids" in general.Unlike other drugs, steroids come in a are a wide variation of molecular combinations. In simplest terms, marijuana is marijuana, vicodin is always vicodin, morphine is always morphine,codeine etc etc.
Anabolic Steroids can be: stanazol,testosterone,trenbolone,boldenone,fluoxymesterone,oxymetholone,oxandrolone.....and this is just naming a few. Now For every anabolic steroid out there, there have been developments in "precursors" or constituents of those specific anabolic steroids.Imagine there are 100 of those for every known anabolic steroid!!

Although banned by most athletic committees, the products are not illegal under any state,local or federal laws. Legal Steroids are a much more effective method of musclebuilding than creatine or preotein shakes.The fact that they can be bought and sold legally is the bonus. or More Information, check out Muscle Labs USA !

What To Expect When Using Legal Steroids For Maximizing Muscle Gain

For competing athletes subjected to drug testing, legal steroids offer a safe and effective solution for improving athletic performance.

Do you want to improve your Athletic performance or build a better body? Do you want to achieve your goals quickly and efficiently? Many people work out for months, and they are still unsatisfied with their appearance.

Maybe you cannot lose the last few pounds of fat no matter how hard you try or maybe you cannot build enough muscle mass to get that sculpted look that you have wanted for years. If this sounds like you, you have come to the right place.

Muscle Labs USA has a number of legal anabolic steroids that will help you push your body further than you ever thought you could go. You will reach a new level of strength and physical appearance.

Using legal steroids, eating right, and following a strict exercise regimen will leave you sculpted and buff. Whatever you goals, we can help you find the right supplement for your lifestyle.

These supplements will help you to decrease body fat and to build muscle so that you can start looking good quickly. You will also see improvements in your physical performance.

You will build muscle faster than you ever have before with this new line of legal steroid supplements. We will help you with information about our supplements so that you can find the right ones for you.

We can educate you about all the possible side effects that are associated with supplements and steroids so that you can safely meet your goals.

Whether you want to build big muscles or just to get fit, legal steroid products can help you succeed. We guarantee that the products will help you make a difference when it comes to your body and strength.

If you have pushed yourself at the gym and at home, and you are still not satisfied with the way you look or your level of strength, then we here at Legal Steroids can help you achieve your goals. We know how frustrating it can be to work and work and still not see any real results, especially if you are a bodybuilder.

Even if you aren’t a bodybuilder, we are here to help you, and we provide top of the line supplements for our customers so that they can finally get the results they have been wanting. We make your satisfaction our highest priority and our biggest goal.

Muscle Labs USA wants to provide you with the information and the supplements that you need. Some people will have better results with some steroids than others will, so we provide the information so that you can find the one that works the best for you.

We want you to be stronger and healthier. If you want to see your performance levels increase then talk to us today about ordering supplements. With our legal steroids you can finally reach your goals quickly and safely.

When you are considering supplements or steroids?

You can use these products to help you manage your health. Many people who are working out cannot make it to their goals without some extra help. These supplements and steroids can help you shed fat or build muscle when you just cannot do it by yourself. They will help provide your body with certain minerals and vitamins that are missing so that you will have more energy.It is not unethical to use muscle enhancers for cosmetic enhancement.

Which Legal Steroid should you use ?

If you are a bodybuilder, then we recommend you increase your water and  protein intake. Muscle Labs USA Dianabol product is top reviewed and is likely one of your best options. When you are working out a lot and really pushing your body, you can deplete the levels of protein in your body. By taking legal steroids, you will make sure that your body always has a regular supply. Protein helps to repair muscles that are damaged while working out, which helps you build even more, bigger muscles.

Are these legal steroid muscle building supplements dangerous ?

If taken as directed,No.The anabolic supplements we sell are perfectly legal and are used to help your body maintain a proper anabolic environment which puts the body in muscle building mode.. These products are to help you improve your physique and athletic enhancement purposes by building muscle drastically and rapidly.

If I take a Legal Steroid like Dianabol, Deccabolan, or Anadroll, how long will it take before I see results?
Different people react differently to steroidal supplements, and it also depends on the number and type of supplements that you are taking. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how quickly you will see results. Nonetheless, taking supplements will lead to faster and more dramatic results than working out alone would take.

What happens when you stop using  Legal Steroids ?

Some people lose some of the muscle they have built while on the supplements and some do not because everyone is different. If you continue to exercise and to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should not see a drastic change.

Here we would like to give you a few tips and pointers so that you see the best results while using supplements and steroids. First, you should continue training and working out. Supplements will not do the work for you, and you have to keep exercising to see the best results with our products.

It will help if you already have an exercise regimen or a training program in place before you start these muscle building supplements. Some people can achieve results without supplements, and some will need the extra help of our products.

Make sure that you continue to push yourself to a higher level when you are training. Do not hurt yourself or try to go beyond your limits, but you need to make sure that you increase your weights to get better and better results.

Second, you need to make sure that you get the proper amount of rest. You cannot push yourself too hard or your body will not work at its highest level. This means that you should make sure to get a good night’s sleep every night. You have to rest and let your muscles repair themselves. Sore muscles need time to heal.

Third, always make sure to have a balanced diet. You want to make sure you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables as well as lean meats. You want to stay away from processed foods and other junk food. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast, even if you are trying to lose weight.

By missing meals, you are sending your brain the message that it needs to store more fat because there isn’t any food available. Eating regularly will keep your metabolism active and efficient. If you take the time to set up a healthy lifestyle and follow our tips, then our supplements will have the most effect when you take them.