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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Synthol - The Truth About The Original Pump 'N Pose

Synthol - What If It Were Revealed To You That Every Top Level Bodybuilders Uses Synthol ?

Here Is The Origin Of How It All Began

Q & A Session With The Inventor Himself

Question: How did you get started with Synthol in bodybuilding?

Answer: How did I get started in bodybuilding…. well… having been involved in martial arts early in my life, and NOT the usual German SoAnswerer-crazed kind of guy, I got involved in bodybuilding by coincidence. 

One night I was out for a few beers in town and I stumbled across a small gym. Drunk as I was, I decided to go to the place next day to sign up. You need to understand, that was in the late 70’s and bodybuilders were all “fags”, so it really took a lot of guts to enter one of these “butt-parlours” and sign up without risking becoming gay yourself. 

I mean country-side-Germany in the late 70’s was a real trip. People around me couldn’t understand that I kept my girlfriend after joining one of these supposed gay-pick-ups. To this day, I have to admit, I have not turned gay! Haha

Question: Did you compete? How far did you go?

Answer: As a matter of fact, I did compete once. It was an international German championship-- a qualifier for the German’s in Munich. I was placed 3rd in the 90-KG class and, then, I was disqualified for some reason. 

Strangely enough, when I started bodybuilding, I was 21 years old and weight in at a desert-dry 108 pounds. Four years later I had to diet down to 90 kg/198 pounds because I was afraid to start in the heavyweights. 

Right from the start I got involved with steroids and by my addictive nature quickly made me a “name” as someone “in the know”. That’s perhaps the main reason for the disqualification at this contest. After this one gig, I decided not to compete anymore because I was told that, in case of testing, I’d ALWAYS be positive no matter what. That is how my competitive career ended before it even started.

Question: In the bodybuilding world, you are known as “Mr. Synthol”—why do they call you that?

Answer: The nickname “Mr Synthol” was actually given to me by the British bodybuilding-press. I was invited to come over to England by John Citrone, one of the best bodybuilders of the past, the present, and perhaps, despite his age of well above 60, still a threat to all upcoming youngsters.

 Mr. Citrone is one of very few people I could idolize in this sport, even though I rarely idolize people at all. I idolize people for their intellectual makeup more so than for their physiques. I never, not even at the beginning of my “bodybuilding-career”, idolized Arnold Schwarzenegger for his physique -- always for his intelligence. 

You know, when I started bodybuilding it was believed that all bodybuilders MUST BE stupid. When I then found out, for instance, that Mr.”Governator” was already making millions before people even could pronounce his name, I almost went for a total brain-amputation. During my stay with Mr. Citrone, a young man interviewed me by the name of Mark Parsons, who published the interview under the headline “Mr Synthol Speaks”.

 That’s how I got this nickname, which became my trademark.

Question: Where did you get the idea to create Pump n Pose aka Synthol?

Answer: Ok, you really want to know exactly WHERE I got the idea to create Synthol? I mean we are “The Hardcore Holy Grail of Bodybuilding Truth”, aren’t we? I was trying to think up a replacement for the original Esiclene (formebolone) from Italy, a steroid that was very popular in the 80’s for site-enhancement. 

It is true, when I got notice from Italy that Esiclene was out of production, I started thinking about some replacement. The fact that I found something that is far superior to Esiclene and many other steroids commonly used for site enhancement is also old news.

Question: What process did you have to go through to perfect the formulation and to get the best results?

Answer: This one is a long story. At first, I had to search for the right base product for my idea. Since I was always my own lab rat, I went through some pretty heavy setbacks such as infections in various body parts (at one point, some doctor in MoroAnswero thought the only way to save my life was by amputating my right lower leg). 

At this time, I was experimenting with sterilized sesame oil. This is a practise many self-proclaimed “supermen” still do. Trust me, it’s very dangerous! The strange fact about this trial was that I used the stuff only in my calves, but I came down with infections ALL OVER my body, (including my shoulders). The most dangerous thing that ever happened to me was coming down with a lung embolism. 

But this had, just like in Milos’ case, NOTHING to do with the product, but only with wrong injection technique. I could go on forever, but this would go far beyond the scope of this interview, so let’s stay with Julius Cesar, “Vene, Vidi, Vici”, (He came, saw and conquered).

Question: I think all of our readers would love to know exactly what ingredients are used to fabricate Synthol?

Answer: Well Dave, it’s not only our readers that would like to know exactly WHAT ingredients I use to fabricate P+P. There are a thousand and one counterfeit copycat-rats who’d like to know exactly what the hell I really use. You have to understand that I will punk out on this question.

Question: Why does your original product work so much better than all the other “copycats” out there?

Answer: I have a solid 10 years of research with literally uncountable thousands of athletes under my belt, which, on their behalf, provided me with all kinds of useful information. Secondly, copying my product is not a problem. 

Every idiot could go ahead and take a bottle, fill in some dunk, put a label on it saying “Synthol” or whatever. But that’s just a counterfeit/copycat, which has nothing to do with the original. You need to know WHAT the hell you are doing when MAKING the product. You have to understand all the biological and biochemical pathways by which such a product could be used up by the body. 

And you MUST know what happens inside of your muscles and your body, in general. You must start with the foods you eat, the hormonal changes your body induces by ingesting different substances, and the enzymatic changes that take place with whatever you do. 

Bodybuilding is MUCH more than just throwing around some weights, popping some pills, stabbing your butt with a different dart every day, and chewing down a cow and an apple along with 2 gallons of water a day. 

This might work for one particular guy, but let’s be honest Dave, where would YOU be without your outstanding intellect today? Damn sure not where you are now, in front of me, being my BOSS. I have to admit, I’m thinking about this for the first time, and it does bother me somehow--better watch your chair Dave. Just kidding!

Question: What do you think of the other “site-enhancement” products (as they are called)? Why are they inferior to yours?

Answer: I guess I answered this one already. The others products are inferior to mine just for the fact that mostly idiots try to copy my product. Sorry if I appear a bit cocky, but facts are facts. If it weren’t for that particular fact, all products would work equally well, right?

Question: Are there any new “inventions” of yours on the horizon?

Answer: Viewing the extreme wide scale of my horizon (JUST KIDDIN´), I can only say “watch me” guys. There’s a lot to come!

Question: Will you make a new and improved Synthol, or is it already perfect?

Answer: Let’s put it this way: At this particular time in my life, the product I produce is as perfect as can be. Viewed on a larger scale, I have to admit that the Synthol of today is as perfect as the newest PC of today. This could mean that today’s Synthol will be old news tomorrow. Let’s wait and see, Ok?

Question: What, in your opinion, is the best way to use Synthol? How many times a week should you inject it?

Answer: Ok I do have to make a statement here: Pump N´ Pose, at least the product I produce and sell, is not intended for parenteral injection. It is for topical use only! Of course, I am not my brother’s keeper, so I cannot know, and really do not want to know, what the “customer” is doing with whatever product they purchase. 

In the case of Synthol, it is advisable to use the product on a 3 times per week schedule in small amounts up to 3 Answer. After 3 weeks of this dosing, the frequency of application has to be decreased to a twice a week application. The most important tip I can give is to use the product over a longer, at least 6-month, period. 

Sure, many of the readers will say now, ”He is trying to push product?” But I say this for some very important reasons. I will outline everything about site enhancement oil in my soon-to-be-published book, Site-Location Superhuman.

Question: Are the results really permanent?

Answer: Now we get to the real meat, literally. Depending on the duration of application, the size desired, factors such as diet, training, rest periods, application of different growth drugs and the like, all the acquired size can be made into SOLID muscle tissue. 

And, you do NOT need other growth drugs to get this effect! And this is the truly significant fact about my invention! So basically, the answer to your question is a simple, YES!

Question: Are there any prohibited substances in your Synthol?
Answer: No my product, the original Synthosizze HP Pump N´Pose now available as lot number 877/9 does NOT contain any prohibited substances. I believe that it can be purchased on your personal website,

Question: Are there any health concerns related to your product?

Answer: Just as above with my original product, none of the users worldwide experience any kinds of health problems. Unfortunately, this does not hold true for most of the copycats as they contain everything from industrial silicone, to silly fish oils, to whatever some “brain surgeon” thinks up to improve “holding-time” as they call it. What a fucking stupid expression -- ”holding-time”.

Question: I heard that, a few years ago, you had kidney cancer and needed to have a kidney removed. What caused that?

Answer: You are right; several years ago I came down with cancer of my right kidney. As a matter of fact, I was not too surprised when my doctor told me the diagnosis. I had been in and out of the doctor’s office for a solid 3 years with ever increasing back pain. 

The only answer this idiot doctor always gave me was, “Well, that’s from training, or from your high protein intake, or whatever fuckin’ excuse he could find in order to perform some kind of testing. See, in Germany (especially countryside) being a bodybuilder means you are, for sure, too stupid to sign your name. So it might happen that, being at some office, when it comes time to sign some papers they shift over the stamp pad in order for you to leave your fingerprint for verification. 

That’s unfortunately no joke. If you’re a bodybuilder, they assume that you’re stupid and definitely a criminal (i.e. pimp, drug-dealer). That’s how they treat you here. Anyways, after 3 years of severe pain and uncountable bottles of painkillers or should I say “bain-killers”, I finally went to the idiot’s office and threatened him and told him to do whatever fuckin’ test he wanted. 

The rest is history. Some months later, I went to the local hospital, which, at least in the urological department, had a very good reputation throughout Europe (thanks to their boss, Dr. Pinkenburg, MD). He told me what exactly was wrong and didn’t hesitate to tell me that my chances are not too good. 

So, in light of the fact that I was given a 5% survival-chance, I decided to take a private room (which you pay extra for-- a solid 286 bucks per night). I figured that I had a 95% chance to get away with the bill, right? After nine days in the hospital I released myself early (against the advice of Dr.Pinkenburg), realizing the fact that the bill would indeed surely hit me. 

Fact of the matter is, no doctor in the world could have connected my disease with my bodybuilding drug abuse. I had been on GH and IGF-1 for three years straight plus all the other crap. The histological estimation of the age of the tumor (which grew out of my right kidney straight towards my liver and was removed with about 2mm of space between the tumor and my liver) was approximately 3 years. So, make your own assumption please. 

In the mean time, I also survived a very serious case of thrombosis of the large hip-thigh vein on my right leg, which I am still fighting with.

Question: In your opinion, which bodybuilder abuses Synthol the worst?

Answer: I can’t tell you which bodybuilder abuses Synthol the worst; I am just amazed how many bodybuilders, amateurs and pros, use it so damn well. If I look at some guys, I know WHO is “cooking my soup”-- trust me! The few freaks on which you do see what’s “cooking”, I wouldn’t call them bodybuilders. 

Bodybuilding is about sculpting the PERFECT body, not outgrowing your front-door tree with the size of your arms. But I do like the freaks; just for the fact that they do what they do and do it extremely well too. Bodybuilders? No, that’s not what those people are.

Question: Have you helped train or advice any well-known bodybuilders?

Answer: If I had a penny for every bodybuilder I helped, directly or indirectly, I am sure I’d be your boss, respectively; I wouldn’t have to work anymore. The unfair matter about this is that I get calls at my home from all over the world and all kinds of very well known top pros. At the FIBO, they are all friendly but try to keep a certain distance from me. 

Behind closed doors, some would kiss my feet, literally. But, no one would like to be seen with me. The only guy who ever was really nice to me in public, at the FIBO in Essen, was Ken “Flex” Wheeler. When he saw me standing in front of him, he pulled over a second chair and I was sitting at the booth of his sponsor with him. I’ll never forget this. 

Ken’s got some real backbone-- a real “MAN”. When I go to Gold’s in Venice, it always spreads like wildfire and everybody is my friend all of a sudden. But, around contest time, I am a strict No-No for the same people.

Question: What do you think about the current state of affairs in the world of bodybuilding? What would you do to fix it?

Answer: Bodybuilding has gone very far within the last 25 years even though it is still the same guys from 10 years ago who are standing up on stage year after year and winning or placing the same. We do not have set comparison-criteria in bodybuilding. It is all a matter of taste who will win or loose. Just imagine you’ve got 7 judges (3 homosexuals, 3 lesbians, and one straight judge). 

Don’t get me wrong; being homosexual or lesbian is OK in my book. But tell me, who is going to judge objectively? At the moment, Germany has strong competitors in Dennis Wolf and Markus Ruehl just to name a few. And we do have a huge pool of good bodybuilders coming up in the years to come. 

But I think, like for instance in Formula 1 racing, the contests like Mr.O should be held at different locations in order to give each of the competitors from around the planet the chance to be the “homeboy” at least once in their career. The Americans do have a very strong lobby in their own country. Also, I believe such practise would help to commercialize the sport of bodybuilding better and would give the top dogs a better chance of earning the kind of living they deserve since they are essentially risking their lives to compete. 

Of course, the audiences at the contests want to see more and more beef on stage and the bodybuilders tend to aAnswerept this hunger for more mass and go far beyond what is good or healthy. But, the average “Joe-blow” doesn’t know anything about what these guys are going through to deliver what the fans expect. And I’m not even mentioning the financial aspects of this whole ball game.

Question: Do you have a website or an email address for people to contact you?

Answer: Well, Yes I do have a website. The address is The best way to catch me is via my gmail-address (

Question: Would you like to add anything or “plug” anything?

Answer: I would like to thank you for the chance to do this interview and speak my mind. And I’d like to see more friendship and respect for each other, especially on the pro level. There is a lot of negative gossip out there. 

Catch me if you can, thanks, yours Chris